Learn how to leverage social media for MAXIMUM impact for your fitness business. Start attracting the RIGHT clients for you and your team.
“If I just post on Facebook, people will come running!” Sound familiar? It doesn’t happen. If you’ve been in business for at least the last few years then you’ll know that Facebook & Instagram are crucial for businesses in the health and fitness industry. It’s not currently over-crowded, but it might just become that way soon.
Let’s talk about how to leverage your presence for maximum impact.

So, what do you do on these social media platforms to ensure you get the best from them? Well, the main thing that will help you, which you might not have thought about, is: consistency.
Lots of times you’ll see a fitness professional/team posting updates, information, articles, and photos a few times over a month and nothing for weeks. Then, they’ll be right back on it as soon as they see their competition getting more attention.
This isn’t the right way to go about things and can set you up for a nightmare scenario with reaching the maximum number of people who like/interact with your Facebook business page (if you’re more focused on your Instagram followers – or another social media platform – then take what I’ve wrote as the same on your platform. There is always an algorithm that chooses to put what’s most prominent and important first).
So, consistency is key to being seen on social media.
Talk To Your Audience
Whenever you’re communicating online it’s got to be focused. There’s little point ‘blasting out’ a few posts or videos if you’re not talking to someone, directly. It’s NOT all about you; although some fitness business owners think it is when they show them doing everything at their own studio. That’s a wrong move to take and only does positive things for their ego.
The best way to go about it? Think about your client avatar/profile and decide who you’re going to be talking to. Is it Emma who is a business owner, aged 34, loves Pink & Purple, but is also stressed out, has back ache and is driven to build her own business to the next level? If it is then the language, picture and ‘voice’ you use should be aimed at her.
What are her goals? Does she want to lose weight? Gain more energy? Does she have children? Is her life hectic and she needs a pattern interrupt (something that she’ll notice of on Facebook) to get her moving and noticing you? (hint: most people do).
So, it’s about talking to one person, not trying the shotgun/pebble-dash approach where you’re just throwing up any old thing that you think ‘looks cool’ or it strokes your ego. You wouldn’t plan a client’s session this month from a 30-second think at the start of each one would you? No. So, take a bit of time to hone in on who you’re speaking to. Imagine who they are, their likes and dislikes, and talk ONLY to them.
Scared you’ll end up talking to the wrong person or don’t know how to sort it all out? That’s where fitpro digital presence coaching can help. But, it’s all about taking that action and making a choice. Go ahead and see what reach, connection and relationships you can develop from it. And if you find yourself attracting the wrong type of people then it’s time to change your story.
Get Them To Take Action
Action. It’s what you want people to take on social media, whether that’s to contact you, like/love/laugh at a post on Facebook or comment about what This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind.
And, it’s about asking them to do something time, after time, after time. Not just once, but over and over again. Now, I don’t mean in a negative, spammy way, but you do need to sell. And for that to happen you’re going to need to ask people to connect with you by taking action. That might be asking them what their bad habits are after you share a story about your bad habits with them: giving to receive.
So, getting them to take action isn’t only about sales (but it always has that in mind) because you became a fitness professional to help people to become fit, healthy & happy versions of themselves, right? Well, this is how you get to that point.